It’s easy to make them stay Just do the following amazing actions
To some, knowing how to show love for your significant other comes naturally. You may not even have to think about it and the actions are something you do automatically. To others, however, this isn’t so easy. It’s not that you care for them any less, rather, you aren’t naturally good at showing how much you care.
If you’re the latter, don’t worry. It doesn’t mean you’re doomed to end up alone because you can’t show someone how much you love them. With these ways to show love, you’ll make them want to stay and show them just how much you care.
#1 Write love notes. I know this seems really cheesy, but if it can save your relationship or just show your significant other how much you love them, it’s worth it. Right?
Write small love notes and leave them in places for your lover to find. Anything as simple as, “you look beautiful/handsome” written on a post-it and left on the mirror in the morning is more than enough.
#2 Bring their favorite candy home. This is something everyone has the means to do. Spending a few dollars every week or even only a couple times a month is something that’s both easy and affordable.
You stop at the store multiple times during the week and grabbing their favorite candy or guilty pleasure food is something that shows them how much you care.
#3 Give them a back rub before bed. Don’t know how to show love or feel awkward doing saying those three words? Then show them! Many people work long days and carry the stress in their back muscles. Believe me when I say a back rub before they drift off to sleep shows them more than enough love. Caring about their relaxation and reducing the tension they feel is important to them.
#4 Kiss them as you walk by. How many times do you walk past your significant other in a day? Those are all opportunities for you to show your love. Just give them a little kiss on their cheek, forehead, or even their lips. That moment of affection has the power to make them want to stay.
#5 Slap their ass when you see it. It may be something really simple and silly, but it means more than you may think. Especially if your significant other is someone who feels loved by physical actions. Give them a little slap and grunt of appreciation. They’ll want to stick around.
#6 Compliments. Compliments are so underrated. Everyone likes to hear what you like about them. So, speak up. Don’t just keep those thoughts to yourself.
If you think they’re looking particularly attractive that day, tell them. If they’re discussing something intelligent and you admire their mind, say so.
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