What If He cant love you the same?

The most common signs that your guy is emotionally unavailable (and what to do about it) are:
1. He SAID It
Make no mistake. If a man specifically tells that he is NOT interested in a relationship – he means it.
This is the biggest red flag of an unavailable guy.
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Guys usually avoid playing games (as opposed to women).
No matter how amazing he says you are, if you try to “label” your connection as a relationship he will remind you what he said when you started dating.
2. Flirting With Flattery
Men who are “too flattering”, too revealing and too open may not be what they seem.
They are like snake charmers. They are often experienced with women and tend to give them what they want to get. At first.
But they prefer the chase to the catch and once they know you’re hooked – they vanish. At least emotionally.
Here’s why some men pull away after sex – and how to reverse it.
3. It’s Serious? I’m out!
He loved chasing you.
He went out of his way to make you go out with him, but when he feels he “had you”, he pulls away and disappears, at least for a week or two.
Again, a big red flag. Some guys just live for the chase and have no interest in an emotional connection with anyone (at least for now).
Here are 12 simple ways to know if he is serious about you
4. His Priorities
Just like a woman, a man in love will prefer spending time with you more than anything else in his life.
He will rush over to see you the minute he has some spare time. If he is not so much into you, he will prefer being with his friends, family or work.
Is his best friend a female?
Here’s how to handle it
5. Words vs. Actions
He says “I love you” all the time.
He compliments you often. He says he wants to be your best friend and be there for you, but when you need him -he’s simply not there.
His excuses are great, and convincing, but the bottom line is – his words don’t match his actions.
6. Mix and Match
When a guy gives you mixed messages, don’t ignore it.
He may surprise you with a romantic date and then cancel on you several times in the next week. He hates planning ahead, and talking about the future terrifies him.
Generally, when you can’t make plans with a man, and his actions are not consistent, take notice.
He hasn’t decided what he wants from you, himself and his life – yet.
7. Relationship Virgin
This doesn’t apply, of course, to 25-year-old guys.
But if you are dating a 35-year-old “boy” and he hasn’t had a single long-term relationship yet, he may be emotionally unavailable (but this doesn’t say that he never will).
8. Early Seduction
Be aware of guys who send sexual cues too early.
“Seducers”do not believe they’re enough to keep a partner. Once the relationship gets real, they’ll sabotage it. Seduction is a power play and is all about the conquest.
9. Not Official
If your boyfriend won’t tell his friends and family about your relationship, it’s a big red flag.
A guy who’s open to a new relationship and to commitment will have no problem “changing his status”, whether online or offline.
10. The Ex Factor
If your guy constantly talks about his ex, and has any kind of anger, animosity or sadness about her, he is not fully over her. Worse yet, he may still be in love with her.


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